The first church was a log structure after the initial meetings which took place in private homes. The first pastor, Daniel G. Taylor, visited Floyd on October 30, 1847 and preached at the home of Brother Lancaster where he found a few Baptists, most who had come from Bedford County. These few brethren had been organized into a church at Jacksonville, but they had no house of worship, no pastor and no regular preaching.
After a revival in the winter of 1847 ten persons were saved. By unanimous vote the church name was changed to New Haven. It seemed the town site was not very desirable and a new n location was secured to coincide with the new name. Mr. Taylor was called as pastor and the church was prospered in growth by the Holy Spirit's work.
The few Baptists that Mr. Taylor found when he first visited Floyd had come to together as a group in 1845. According to church records, the group assembled on June 28, 1845, at the courthouse in Floyd for the purpose of organizing a church of their order. The log meeting place was located in front of the current fellowship hall. The interior consisted of log benches.
The second church building was a one room white frame building which seated between 100-150 people and was located just west of the current Sunday school plant. About the time of WW1 this structure was replaced with the third building. The forth building, a brick structure, was completed on May 10, 1959 and included a large auditorium and Sunday school classes. In October of 1989 the church voted to replace the sanctuary which is currently in use.
The following is a list of the pastors who have served at New Haven:
Daniel G. Taylor | 1847 |
Robert Haymore | 1862 |
T. N. Sanderson | 1865 |
____ Richerson | 1867 |
P. B. Renolds | 1868 |
V. G. Taylor | 1869 |
W. H. Beemer | 1871, 1879-1880 |
S.H. Hall | 1881 |
A. Bryant | 1884 |
J. Sweeney | 1886 |
James K. Galt | 1888 |
D. G. Lancaster | 1890 |
J. W. Wade | 1901 |
A. F. Howell | 1902 |
E. C. Davis | 1903 |
L. A. Thomas | 1907 |
D. J. Bryant | 1914 |
____ Anderson | 1914 |
A. Bryant | 1914 |
E.S. Vaughn | 1915 |
D. J. Bryant | 1927 |
W. H. Danner | 1927 |
R. M. Pleasant | 1929 |
N. A. Thompson | 1931 |
F. W. Haberer | 1939 |
S. E. Byler | 1940 |
E. Len Weston | 1940 |
Elbert Yeatts | 1942 |
N. A. Thompson | 1944 |
Hoston Talbert | 1944 |
J. L. Mann | 1947 |
Roger Snipes | 1948 |
Curtis Morris | 1949 |
Joseph Falls | 1951 |
Everett McCully (interim) | 1991 |
Leon Wood | 1991 |
Doug Couch (interim) | 2005 |
Lloyd Camp (interim) | 2006 |
John Chambers | 2008 |
James Cockram (interim) | 2017 |
Allen Agee | 2020 |
During recent history, New Haven Baptist Church has seen its most significant change under the forty year ministry of Joseph Falls. After his salvation at Montvale Baptist Church in 1949 under the preaching of Elbert Yeatts and an evangelist, G. G. Lanter, Joseph Falls left his well drilling business and attended Piedmont Baptist College.
While in Piedmont, he was asked to preach at New Haven. On July 8, 1951 he called as the pastor of Hew Haven. During his ministry the church grew exponentially, a radio ministry to the Caribbean was conducted, the church was withdrawn from the Southern Baptist Convention and the Missions program grew. In addition several men were called into the ministry during this time.
Following the retirement of Pastor Falls, Pastor Leon Wood accepted the call to the church and began his ministry on July 7, 1991. Pastor Wood, a graduate of Piedmont Bible College, was one of several men who had entered the ministry out of New Haven (under the pastorate of Joe Falls). He and wife Elaine served at the church until health issues led to his retirement on May 29, 2005. They now reside in North Carolina.
After the retirement of Pastor Wood, interim pastors included Rev. Doug Couch, who served several months beginning in 2005 to 2006, and Rev. Lloyd Camp, who served over a year from 2006 to 2007. Doug and Sally Couch traveled from their home in North Carolina, and Lloyd and Nancy Camp from their home in West Virginia.
Rev. John Chambers became pastor at New Haven in February 2008. Originally from Rocky Mount, NC, he attended Piedmont Baptist College and Maranatha Baptist Bible College and pastored other churches before accepting the call to New Haven. He and wife Melanie served at the church until he resigned in 2017.
In 2017 New Haven members unanimously voted to name James Cockram as interim pastor of the church. Pastor Cockram, who married Cathy Falls (daughter of Joseph and Virginia Falls), had also entered the ministry out of New Haven in earlier years (under the pastorate of Joe Falls) and had attended Piedmont Bible College. He had then served as pastor of churches in Virginia and North Carolina before retiring from the ministry and then accepting the call for the interim pastorate at New Haven. He and Cathy served at the church for three years.
The current pastor, Rev. Allen Agee, became pastor of New Haven in the fall of 2020. He had also been saved and called into the ministry out of New Haven (under the pastorate of Leon Wood). Pastor Agee, a graduate of Piedmont Baptist College (formerly Piedmont Bible College), served as chaplain for Alpha Acres, a Christian Drug and Alcohol Recovery Facility at the Winston-Salem (NC) Rescue Mission, following his graduation from college. He then pastored churches for 13 years. Pastor Allen and wife Mary are also graduates of Floyd County High School. After arriving at New Haven, they began living in the parsonage, originally built in the 1950s, and overseeing its renovation.